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How to Help an Extreme Picky Eater: 6 Simple Steps

How to Help an Extreme Picky Eater: 6 Simple Steps

Parents often ask us for strategies and tips to help with a picky eater. Many children go through phases when they become picky about what they would like to eat. It’s usually a sign that they are growing in independence, but I’m sure we can all agree that it can be very frustrating! After all, as parents and educators, we just want to make sure that our little kiddos are getting enough nutrition.

These 6 tips on how to help an extreme picky eater might feel like a lot if you’re just getting started. Instead of trying to tackle them all at once, identify just one area to start before moving on to the next.

1.Watch what you say

“Picky” might be an okay word to describe the trends you’re noticing with your child’s eating, but it’s not a description we want your child to internalize. If your child comes to learn that they are viewed as “picky”, it’s more likely that they will continue to demonstrate picky habits.

Instead of using the word “picky eater” to describe how they eat, try to empower your child and help them adopt a growth mindset when it comes to their eating.

2. Adjust your expectations

You’re going to be working HARD on helping your extreme picky eater. You will be putting in a lot of thought, effort, and time. That is AMAZING! Your child is lucky to have a parent who wants to make eating easier for them!

The thing is, your child is eating the way they do for a reason. Often there is no quick fix. Even when you’re doing everything right it can still take a while for your child to feel comfortable trying new foods.

This is for a few reasons.

First, your child likely has a lot of practice eating the way they do. Their eating choices have become a habit. It can take a while for them to learn that they can comfortably and confidently eat a variety of new foods.

Second, average young eaters need around a dozen exposures to a new food before they decide to eat it. Extreme picky eaters might need twice or more exposures before feeling ready to eat. That’s a lot of time and effort on your part!

Be patient and persistent. Don’t assume that just because something you tried a few times hasn’t worked YET that it won’t work at all.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Ignore that! This is one situation where you want to keep trying!

3. Regularly serve new foods

Regularly serve your child new foods – even if they don’t eat them, even if they never eat them.

Serving your child new foods sends the message that they can eat new foods. It also gives your child the opportunity to try new foods when they are ready.

Ideally the new food can be on your child’s plate along with the rest of their meal. If they are uncomfortable having a new food on their plate, they can move it next to their plate.

4. Build their comfort

Most extremely picky eaters have strong food aversions and anxiety about eating new foods.

We want to break down your child’s reservations and instead help them feel empowered and capable when it comes to trying new foods.

Find out what motivates and interests your child. It might be cooking, learning about food in books or on TV shows, playing with food, doing arts and crafts, experimenting, or grocery shopping.

5. Create consistency with mealtimes

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my work with extremely picky eaters it’s that they have a lot of anxiety when it comes to meals and anything related to eating. To help make this more comfortable for skeptical eaters, it’s helpful to create consistency with mealtimes.

Think about meal timing and everything that happens before, during, and after meals. Being consistent with meal times allows your child’s appetite to regulate and build so they can come to the table hungry and ready to eat. Being consistent with the mealtime routine helps your child know what to expect. Both can make eating easier and increase success when introducing new foods.

6. Don’t freak out

As a parent, I know how stressful it is when your child won’t eat. The thing is, getting upset about it doesn’t help your child. In fact, it can make eating even harder for them. Kids sense our stress and that’s the last thing we want at the table. Our anxiety feeds theirs. Our stress leads to their stress, and stress suppresses the appetite. That doesn’t make eating easier!

The best thing you can do for your child is help them feel calm, comfortable and confident at mealtimes. That starts with you!

For more information about our Four Pillars of Learning curriculum which includes Physical Activity and Nutrition, click here

The Canada Food Guide is a great resource to help with picky eating. 


Halloween Safety Tips 2021

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween can be scary in more ways than just scary costumes and music. There are many safety risks to consider before heading out on Oct 31st– Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind on Halloween night to keep your little ones safe.

#1 2021 SAFETY RULE is to be sure to follow all public health safety guidelines

To let others know you are following safe Halloween practices during the pandemic you can display a red pumpkin on your costume or at your door. Click here to read more about the red pumpkin campaign 

#2 Trick or treating with Toddlers and children under 5

Most toddlers have no idea what is going on and some dislike wearing a costume. As parents, we enjoy watching them dress up in their cute costumes and experiencing some of the excitement that Halloween offers. The best advice is baby steps for toddlers and children under 5 years and follow these tips:

  • Head out early when its still light enough for them to see others and to be seen.
  • Check out local day time events and avoid the spook.
  • Go to homes you know and can guarantee there will not be any scary surprises.
  • Your little one will likely enjoy handing out candy just as much as trick or treating.
  • Don’t’ forget to remind them to use their manners – PLEASE & THANK YOU.

#3 Costume Safety

  • All costumes, wigs and accessories should be fire-resistant.
  • If children are allowed out after dark, fasten reflective tape to their costumes and bags, or give them glow sticks or flashlights.
  • Avoid masks for younger children. It’s better to use face paint to create the effect and allows them to see better.

#4 Safe Treats

  • Don’t eat candy until it has been inspected at home.
  • Eat a snack before heading out to avoid the temptation of nibbling on a treat before it has been inspected.
  • In case of a food allergy, check the label to ensure the allergen isn’t present. Tell children not to accept—or eat—anything that isn’t commercially wrapped.
  • Parents of very young children should remove any choking hazards such as gum, peanuts, hard candies, or small toys from the Halloween bags.
  • Inspect commercially wrapped treats for signs of tampering, such as an unusual appearance or discoloration, tiny pinholes, or tears in wrappers. Throw away anything that looks suspicious.

# 5 When They’re on the Prowl

Here’s a scary statistic to keep in mind: Children are more then twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year. Lack of visibility because of low lighting at night also plays a factor in these incidents.

  • A responsible adult should accompany young children on the neighborhood rounds.
  • Children and adults are reminded to put electronic devices down and keep heads up and walk.
  • Practice safety rules at home and set clear distance boundaries. Role play and make sure children know the dangers because the excitement of the night and a little sugar can turn a fun night into a scary one if you are not careful.
  • Have Fun!

Click here for some fun Halloween Activities to do with your child – even if you decide to stay in for the night! 

Thanksgiving Tips for a Stress-free Holiday

Thanksgiving Tips for a Stress-free holiday

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, filled with friends, food, family and finally we can gather again with family and friends. We know that it’s a lot of work to get ready and prepare a meal. In most cases, it is one person making the meal and doing most of the preparation. This can be overwhelming, making sure each dish comes out right and tasty too. By preparing as much as possible in advance, you’ll have lots of breathing room to enjoy the day, your company, as well the feast.

Here are 5 Festive Thanksgiving tips to consider that you will be thankful for!

Don’t get Des-serted

Create a simple message to each person to list what they would like to bring to the feast

Just because you are hosting, doesn’t mean you have to make all the main dishes. Usually everyone signs up for dessert. Take this off the table right away. Dessert is one of the easiest things on your to do list. Most Desserts can be done in advance, frozen or bought fresh the day of. Keep that one for yourself and ask others to sign up for other things. You make the call. If you have an all-star baker on your guest list, then have them do what they do best. Some will ask “What can I bring?” Don’t be afraid to say mashed potatoes, stuffing or a casserole. The truth is, your guests are not just there for the food, they want to see you too!

Prep in advance

This may sound obvious, but you need to consider how much time it takes to not only prep the food but clean in between. Make a menu and plan, plan, plan… Plan out if there are any things you can prep in advance or get help with. Involve the kids in simple tasks like setting the table or putting out the decorations. Getting the kids to help out will not only build up their confidence but they are learning important skills too!

Chop vegetables in advance

This will be a lifesaver the next day. Doing all the vegetable prep now, in batch form, will save you so much time on Thanksgiving Day. Potatoes, celery, onions, or other veggies can be cut the day before and stored in the fridge until you need them. Put a bowl for your garbage on one side of you and storage containers on the other side that way everything is pretty much streamlined, and you don’t have to move around much.

You got this in the bag!

Use Large Zip lock bags to store vegetables and save space in the fridge and time on dishes. This works great for prepared food and leftovers too.

Watch & Work

Most prep tasks can be done while binge watching your favorite season of whatever.

 #1 survival tip for pre-prep is ….make sure you can see the T.V  

Spuds, no buds.

Peeling enough potatoes for a large group takes a big chunk of time. Try this time saver.

  • Cook your potatoes whole instead. When they’re ready, plunge into a bath of ice water. The skins will slip off in one fell swoop, ready for mashing.

Dangle Dessert

Set up a dessert table in advance and have each guest serve themselves while the table is being cleared.

Need some ideas for Thanksgiving dishes? Check out this link.

We would love you to share your Thanksgiving tips with us too!


If you’re sitting down to enjoy a feast with family and friends, you’re more fortunate than a good portion of the world’s population. Pause for a moment with your loved ones to be thankful for their presence and for your fabulous self (quietly in your mind) Enjoy the moment and your beautiful Thanksgiving dinner. Everything tastes better with an attitude of gratitude!