alpha discovery club

mother’s day 2021

Alpha’s Discovery Kids Celebrates Mother’s Day

Alpha’s Discovery Kids Celebrates Mother’s Day

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


Mother’s Day is a time for everyone here at Alpha’s Discovery Kids to celebrate moms and everything they do.

But this is also a day that can bring up a whole host of emotions for mothers. So often complex and challenging, motherhood isn’t always flowers and sunshine.

As a mom, I know the mix of happiness, joy, challenges and struggles that mothers face daily. Motherhood is a time to be cherished, but we also have to realize that many mothers face hardship and challenging times as well. Often juggling a career, home and kids, it can sometimes seem overwhelming to hold it all together.

And we never know what other moms are experiencing. So much of what we see and celebrate about Mother’s Day are the positive aspects. But many are experiencing Mother’s Day from a different lens. Emotions can run the gamut, with many moms suffering from fertility challenges and pregnancy issues or dealing with the experience of losing their own mom.

I want to share one message with all moms: you’re doing AMAZING.

Through the: Sleepless nights, Temper tantrums, Mess and disorganization, Learning curves, Exhaustion from overworking, Worry about whether your unborn child will be ok, Worry about whether your child is hitting the “milestones” they should, Unbearable and unimaginable pain of losing a child or Days of trying to explain to your child about the world we live in, you are doing a fantastic job.

As moms, I feel like we never truly “have it down pat .” Instead, most of us go through motherhood as trial and error, figuring it out as we go.

And that’s ok! Especially in today’s world, there is a seemingly constant comparison of how you stack up to other moms. With unrealistic and exceedingly high expectations, social media plays a huge part in feeling like you don’t measure up.

If you head onto any social media platform, you can be bombarded with images of “perfect” moms doing “perfect things .” Whether it’s moms creating perfect packed lunches with heart shaped designs, or birthday celebrations filled with beautiful hand made decorations and arts and crafts, or a perfect March Break vacation at a beautiful destination with perfectly behaved kids, it can foster feelings of failure for many moms.

But here is a gentle reminder that everything you see isn’t always reality. Motherhood isn’t a race. And it isn’t a competition. There is no such thing as “perfect” when it comes to being a mom. And by giving yourself grace and understanding, hopefully, you can realize that you are amazing just the way you are.

I encourage all mothers this Mother’s Day to let their partners or families know what it is you’d like to do to enjoy Mother’s Day. After all – this day is supposed to be about celebrating you!

So whether it’s spending time with family, a little bit of pampering (maybe a spa day), sleeping in, someone else taking over the chores (such as cooking and cleaning) or being showered with appreciation and love, make sure you express what it is that you’d like on this Mother’s Day.

And to celebrate our Alpha’s Discovery Kids Mothers, we have a few special Mother’s Day activities lined up at all our locations.

  • Our Moms will receive a heartfelt gift from their little one(s).
  • We will offer a Mommy and Me Activity Day on Friday, May 12th, where all our moms can come into the daycare and do a special activity with their child.
  • We’ll also offer a little pampering with 10-minute chair massages for each mom.

From our entire Alpha’s Discovery Kids Family, we wish all of our mothers a Happy Mother’s Day!!

For more information about Alpha’s Discovery Kids, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.




Mother’s Day Pandemic-friendly Mommy and Me Ideas

Mother’s Day gifts you can give yourself

As a mom, time spent with your children doing things to grow and learn together is one of the best gifts you can give yourself for Mother’s Day. During a pandemic, it may seem that our choices for activities are limited. This year, what better way to celebrate then to get outside and soak up some immune-boosting Vitamin D! Sunshine and fresh air provide so many health benefits to boost your immunity and mental health. Give yourself a gift that will create lasting memories this year. Here are 3 ideas that will leave you with a smile, tired little children and hopefully a few great photos. You don’t need to go too far .These 3 activities can be done in your own backyard, neighbourhood trail or park.  


planting with kids


Anyone can be a be a gardener even if you do not have a green thumb or a big garden. Planting can be done in a garden, garden box or even a container you may already have at home. For instance, a jar, a bowl, or box. You can even have your child paint the flowerpot before or after. You choose the size of your project. Pick up some seeds or little plants and some soil at your local garden centre or grocery store. You and your child can get your hands dirty together and create some new life! This growing garden or plant is a gift for you all season long!


Easy to Grow Plants for Kids



mommy and me yoga


Practicing yoga with children is one way to build a great relationship with them. Doing simple yoga poses together can help both parent and child to relax, be in the moment, and obtain physical activity at the same time. We know yoga is good for flexibility, but yoga can also help with anxiety and muscle development for both adults and children. Combining the outdoors with yoga helps as a natural mood booster. These good feelings will help you connect and bond further with your little one. It does not matter if you are an advanced yogi, a beginner, or a newbie everyone can benefit from deep breathing and stretching. Start by just taking off your shoes, face each other and taking a few breaths. This can be on a mat, towel or in the grass. You get to choose if this will be a more an active yoga or calming yoga. You can make it up as you go along getting inspiration from your outdoor surrounds but remember to be safe and careful. Enhancing your connection with the natural world and your child through movement can be a gift you give yourself.

Nature Inspired Yoga Poses:  CHECK OUT THIS LINK

Kids Natural theme poses



Rock painting


Being outdoors not only stimulates your mind but also your creativity. Art projects can be messy and often require a lot of space in which to create. So, what better place to set up a rock painting activity? Even if you do not have paint brushes you can use Q-tips or your fingers. If you do not have paint, you can use nail polish, coloured water or sharpie markers. You get to choose if this is an open- ended painting experience or want to create a special design. You can of course make finding these rocks part of your Mother’s Day experience by going on a little walk together or collect them in advance. Either way, your are left with a cute keep sake and minimal mess to boot. This is a gift you can give yourself.


Rock Painting Ideas

Here’s a link to our kindness rocks activity if you want to leave some painted rocks out in the community for other’s to find. 

Try one or more of these outdoor mommy and me activities and reap the benefits. No matter what you choose to do this Mother’s Day,

Yo’ mama , you ROCK !

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, You’re a natural !