alpha discovery club


Why Do Children Bite and What Can You Do?

Why Do Children Bite?

Why Do Children Bite? A bite can be a painful experience and a safety concern.  But did you know that when it comes to biting, it is actually seen as a normal phase in development for infants and toddlers?   In fact, young children usually communicate physically before they use their verbal skills.  A child that is pushing, shoving or biting may be trying to say something that they can not yet verbally articulate. Read more ›

Finding a Quality Infant and Toddler Daycare and Child Care Centre in Mississauga

High Quality Infant and Toddler Daycare Mississauga

High quality infant and Toddler Daycare Mississauga – For many parents, finding a high quality infant and toddler daycare and child care centre in Mississauga can seem like an overwhelming task. Location, program, staff, quality, flexibility and cost are all key factors in the decision-making process. Read more ›

Parents’ Night Out – Feb 13th

Parents Night Out 2015

Parents Night Out 2015 – Do you need a night out? We are offering our Parent’s Night Out program just in time for Valentine’s Day on Feb 13th 6-9 pm in Mississauga. Read more ›

Why is Preschool Important before Full-day Kindergarten?

Why is Preschool Important Before Full-day Kindergarten?

Why Preschool Is Important – With the recent introduction of full-day kindergarten in Ontario, there is an even bigger need for children to prepare for entry into the school system. With the reality of large classrooms, overworked educators and a large child-educator ratio, children need to come prepared. Read more ›