alpha discovery club


Uh Oh – It’s Time to Go!

Consistency is key!

While I’ve known some parents who say (jokingly we think) “sometimes I think it would just be easier to keep them in diapers!” we all know that you don’t really mean it and that it might actually be nice to spend those extra few dollars on something other than disposables. Read more ›

Putting a positive spin on picky eating! (Part 2 of 2)

Last time we talked about a step by step approach to fostering healthy eating habits and what healthy eating might look like.  We started by saying creating a positive attitude towards food begins at an early age and that as parents we role model food preferences every day, both consciously and unconsciously. Therefore, fostering a healthy attitude towards food begins at home. Today, we’ll look at snacking and mindful eating. Read more ›

Putting a positive spin on picky eating!

Putting a positive spin on picky eating!

Part One of a two part series….

There’s an old nursery rhyme about Peter Piper who picked a pepper. My guess is Peter didn’t eat the pepper because peppers are an unusual food group for a child. Or are they? Today we want to talk about picky eaters but from a positive point of view. Creating a positive attitude towards food begins at an early age and as parents we role model food preferences every day, both consciously and unconsciously. Therefore, fostering a healthy attitude towards food begins at home – with the parents and guardians of our precious,  “Picky Peter Pipers.” Read more ›

Tips for Dealing with Separation Anxiety at Daycare

Daycare Separation Anxiety

Goodbyes without tears

It is very normal for young children to experience difficulty separating from their parents. According to psychologists, this behaviour generally peaks between 8 and 18 months of age although many young children continue to have feelings of separation anxiety as they grow up. Read more ›

How to Choose a Daycare location – close to home or work?

A work day is long enough, but add in the drop off and pick up from daycare onto either end of your commute and you’re sure to be completely exhausted by the time you get home.

Depending on your work schedule, family support and lifestyle, there can be pros and cons between choosing a daycare close to home or close to work. Read more ›

5 ways parents can strike a work-life balance with daycare

Being a working parent is never an easy task. Mornings are rushed, meals are hurried and weekends are too short. Sometimes it feels like finding balance is near impossible.

Finding the right child care centre can be the key to striking a work-life balance that works for your family. With the right support systems and boundaries in place, you can minimize the stress of the daily hustle and bustle and make the most of family time. Read more ›

Supporting children in discovering and pursuing their passions

As parents, we all love to see our children happy and thriving. We provide them with endless opportunities to explore new ideas and learn new skills, all in an effort to see their faces light up with wonder, joy, inspiration. We endeavour to see our children find something they are passionate about and are motivated to excel at again and again. Read more ›

What Parents Should Know Before Starting Daycare or Preschool

Before Starting Daycare

Before Starting Daycare – Putting your child into a daycare or preschool for the first time is difficult for many parents. Parents don’t usually know what to expect. Here’s some things you should know before your child starts to help to make that transition go smoothly. Read more ›

Five things your child learns at a licensed daycare or preschool in Mississauga

Every parent at one time or another will be wondering what children learn at a licensed daycare or preschool. It is often difficult for parents to make a decision about choosing the right care for their young child. When I meet prospective parents, I always get this question – What will they learn here? Here’s the top five things that kids will learn at a licensed daycare or preschool. It’s probably not what you think. Read more ›